Agenda: The Partition of Europe: Navigating Sovereignty and Reconstructing Borders

The Congress of Vienna was a pivotal moment in history, where the fate of post-Napoleonic Europe was decided through intense diplomacy and negotiation. At JBCN Parel MUN 2024, we’re bringing this historic event to life, but with an exciting twist that will challenge delegates like never before.

Just as the real Congress of Vienna involved complex negotiations and power struggles, our MUN simulation will be a fast-paced, constant crisis committee where no decision is ever final. The stakes are high, and the balance of power can shift in an instant. To add even more intrigue, we’ve introduced a historical twist: Napoleon’s most loyal supporters have been freed from exile and are now part of the negotiations. Their presence will complicate the discussions and force delegates to think strategically, anticipate every move, and adapt to rapidly changing situations.

Delegates will need to embody the cunning of Metternich, the resolve of Talleyrand, and the foresight of Castlereagh as they navigate these twists and turns. Every decision could lead to new alliances or spark fresh conflicts. Success will depend on your ability to think on your feet, manage crises effectively, and outmaneuver your rivals in this high-stakes reenactment of one of history’s greatest diplomatic showdowns.

Are you ready to rewrite history and lead Europe into a new era? The Congress of Vienna at JBCN Parel MUN 2024 is your chance to test your diplomatic skills like never before!


Yuvraj Tejnani


Hey everyone ,

I’m Yuvraj Tejnani, and I’m thrilled to be returning to JBCN Parel MUN with a historic committee for the third time as the director of the Congress of Vienna, 1815.

As a rising sophomore at JBCN International School, I have a deep passion for economics and computer science, but my true love lies in historic politics, which is why I’m so excited about this committee.

Outside of school, I’m an avid squash player, and I love diving into the world of Microsoft Flight Simulator—both playing and coding my own scenarios. I’m really looking forward to meeting all of you this September and can’t wait to see how you’ll tackle the challenges of post-Napoleonic Europe.

It’s going to be an incredible experience, and I’m eager to see the creativity and insight you’ll bring to the committee. See you soon!


Meet Jain

Assistant Director

Hello delegates,

I’m Meet Jain, your Assistant Director for the Congress of Vienna 1815 at JBCNMUN 2024. I’m thrilled to welcome you to an exciting three days of intense discussions and dynamic crises.

A 10th grader at JBCN Parel, I’ve actively participated in MUNs and debates, and I’m passionate about math, science, and external affairs. I’m also an aerialist, a badminton player, and enjoy service activities and outdoor pursuits.

This year’s Congress of Vienna will immerse you in the world of 1814–15, exploring the impact of the historic conference on modern Europe. Expect fast-paced crises and engaging debates. We look forward to a memorable and impactful experience with you all!

Best of Luck
Meet Jain

Committee Resources

Study Guide

Screenshot 2024-08-16 at 5.40.47 PM

Country Matrix