Agenda:  Analyzing the allocation of Funds in the  2024 Budget: Benefits, drawbacks, and Implications for Economic Growth

Prepare to immerse yourself in the complexities of budget allocation at JBCN Senior Model United Nations 2024!

This year, the Lok Sabha committee will focus on analyzing the distribution of funds in the 2024 budget. We will explore the impact of budgetary decisions on various sectors, evaluating the effectiveness of fund allocation and its implications for national development.

Through detailed discussions, we’ll assess how financial resources are distributed across key areas such as education, healthcare, infrastructure, and social welfare. Together, we’ll develop recommendations to ensure that budgetary policies promote equity, efficiency, and sustainable growth. Prepare for a dynamic and insightful session—let the debates begin!

As the Executive Board, we anticipate that each delegate will leave with a deeper understanding of budgetary processes and their role in shaping a more balanced and effective governance framework.

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Ranbir Chadha


Hi, I’m Ranbir Chadha, and i’m overjoyed to be your director for the Lok Sabha in this edition of JBCN Parel Senior  School MUN.

As a passionate advocate for global affairs, my goal is to foster an environment where diverse perspectives converge for collaborative problem-solving. Our committee, featuring experts in disarmament, politics, and diplomacy, is geared towards navigating the 2024 budget.
Aside from all of that, I love watching interesting documentaries, Netflix of coarse, and playing basketball.

Like every MUNNER in their first few conferences, I’m sure a lot of you are scared, nervous and anxious about this whole new concept. Firstly, please feel free to come to either me or my assistant director, Ansh Suri, to navigate and sort through any doubts/ problems before and even during the conference. I’ve also been in your position, reading the director’s introduction for my very first conferences scared about how to go about everything. I advise you to step out of the comfort zone, and embrace the spirit of MUN. MUN is all about engaging debates, learning new things, and developing your own knowledge, in a much more fun way.

I’m looking forward to meeting all of you’ll at the start of the conference.


Ansh Suri

Assistant Director

Welcome to the Lok Sabha at JBCN Senior Model United Nations 2024!

I’m thrilled to be your Co-Chair and am excited to engage with each of you over the course of this conference.A bit about me ,I have a deep passion for both sports and Model United Nations.

Whether it’s hitting the field for a match or diving into the complexities of international diplomacy, I find that both pursuits offer unique opportunities for growth, teamwork, and strategic thinking.

My enthusiasm for MUN stems from the dynamic discussions and collaborative problem-solving that drive our sessions, and I’m eager to see the innovative solutions and insights you will bring to the committee.

Committee Resources

Study Guide

Country Matrix