Agenda: To Be Disclosed

Welcome to the NIGHT CRISIS

The Night Crisis is your moment. Your opportunity to embody Great Power, Great Responsibility.

A world hangs in the balance. You hold the key to its salvation.

Harness your diplomatic prowess. Employ your strategic mind. Conquer unforeseen challenges. Forge a path to a brighter future.

Are you ready to answer the call?

Ruhika Bhende

Assistant Director

Greetings, esteemed delegates!

I am Ruhika Bhende, honored to serve as the Deputy Secretary General for JBCN Senior MUN 2024. In addition to overseeing the US Cabinet and heading your training, I am excited to introduce some unique and innovative elements that will enhance our conference experience this year.

We are implementing a new press conference format, which will provide a dynamic platform for you to present your positions and respond to real-time inquiries. This addition aims to simulate the high-stakes environment of global diplomacy and encourage transparent, responsive communication.

Our conference will also feature newly structured committees designed to foster creative problem-solving and encourage collaborative efforts. These innovative committees are crafted to challenge conventional approaches and inspire fresh, diverse solutions. This format emphasizes the collaborative nature of MUN, aiming to blend unique perspectives into comprehensive strategies.

Beyond my MUN roles, my engagement in Taekwondo, passion for TEDx talks, and dedication to community service reflect my commitment to discipline, innovative thinking, and meaningful dialogue. At home, my cat and my love for fashion bring balance and joy to my life. I eagerly anticipate working with you all and exploring new ideas together at this exciting conference.

Warm regards,
Ruhika Bhende

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Reeyan Mavani


Hello, future world leaders (or at least, aspiring ones)!

I’m Reeyan Mavani, your Secretary-General for JBCN Senior MUN 2024. Let’s be honest, I’ve spent more time in committee rooms than I have in actual classrooms. Five years of MUN has turned me into a part-time diplomat and full-time caffeine addict. But hey, it’s a small price to pay for the incredible journey. From the highs of passing a resolution to the lows of losing a vote by one, I’ve experienced it all. And let me tell you, it’s an addiction.

When I’m not busy crafting the perfect crisis or debating the world’s most pressing issues, I enjoy flexing my muscles, discussing the finer points of cricket (trust me, it’s a complex sport), and experimenting with questionable culinary concoctions. It’s a well-rounded life, if I do say so myself.

As the Director of the Night Crisis, I promise to throw you into the deep end. No life jackets, no training wheels. Just you, your wits, and a world on the brink. Are you ready to save the day (or at least your committee)?


Reeyan Mavani- Director Of Night Crisis and Secretary-General,

JBCN Senior MUN 2024


Aura Khiani

Assistant Director

I’m Aura Khiani, The Assistant Director for the Night Crisis at JBCN Senior MUN 2024.

I couldn’t be more thrilled for the challenges and excitement that await us in September. It’s going to be the best Night Crisis you’ve ever experienced. I’m confident that this session will set a new standard for intensity, creativity, and diplomacy.

I can’t wait to see the best delegates rise to the occasion, navigate through intense crises, and demonstrate their diplomatic and strategic abilities.

This is going to be an unforgettable experience, and I can’t wait to see everyone in action!