United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Agenda: Assessing the Legacy of the Medellin Cartel with Emphasis on Narcoterrorism and Narcopolitics

Get ready to explore the dark legacy of the Medellín Cartel at JBCN Senior Model United Nations 2024! This year, the UNODC committee will dive into the cartel’s impact on narcoterrorism and narco politics, led by the infamous Pablo Escobar. We will analyze the cartel’s ruthless tactics and their consequences for Colombia and the world, while discussing the ongoing challenges of drug trafficking and organized crime. Together, we’ll propose strategies that prioritize human rights and international cooperation to combat this cycle of violence. Buckle up for an intense and thought-provoking session—let the discussions begin! As the Executive Board, we expect every delegate to walk away with something new at the end of the weekend, building themselves as more globally aligned citizens of the world.

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Zaina Mody


Greetings delegates!!

I’m Zaina Mody, and I’m overjoyed to be the Director of the UNODC this year at JBCN Senior MUN!! This committee is extremely close to my heart, as it was one of the first committees I started my MUN journey with, and i am filled with excitement to witness the direction you delegates take this committee in!

I’ve studied at JBCN International School, Parel, basically my whole life and I have immersed myself in the exciting world of Model United Nations since I was 12 years old, I have attended various model UN conferences throughout the years and have been a part of the Executive Board at multiple conferences, so I am incredibly eager to bring my knowledge, experience and enthusiasm to this position.
Munning, for me, has been a rather interesting endeavor. From being the chaotic delegate to sometimes being the quiet, clueless one, I definitely believe it is an amazing platform to show off your knowledge about global affairs and to meet new people. I am eagerly looking forward to meeting all you delegates this September ;and hope for this conference to be fruitful, productive, and slightly chaotic, (more than slightly). Additionally, I enjoy dance, Netflix, coffee, and leadership roles!

If I were to give a piece of advice to my delegates, my advice would be to not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and make a lot of mistakes to learn from. MUN is all about embracing diverse viewpoints, having important conversations, and creating enduring relationships. So, jump in, speak up, and never forget that even the smallest voice can have a significant impact. Also, CONFIDENCE IS KEY!


Zaina Mody,
Director of the UNODC


Nitigya Podar

Assistant Director

Hello delegates.

I am Nitighya Podar and I am absolutely honoured to be your assistant director of the UNODC alongside my brilliant director Zaina Mody at this electrifying edition of JBCN Parel Senior School Model United Nations Conference.

Having been a JBCNite all my life, it was only fitting that my MUN journey started last year in this very conference and after that I simply couldn’t stop. I yearn at any opportunity to jump to my feet and silence a whole group of delegates with a statement.

I strongly believe in the principles of hard work and belief, which are not only applicable to a conference but to simply anything. Curating impromptu speeches as the clock ticks, creating exciting communiques gives me an adrenaline rush like no other.

Outside of debate, I enjoy reading, writing and watching a few sports, such as football, basketball, cricket, tennis, boxing , badminton and on the list goes.

Lastly, I have to reiterate a piece of wisdom that I carry through every debate and every conference. Enjoy. Delve yourself into this exciting new challenge which may seem scary at first but it truly is one of the most exhilarating experiences ever. I hope to see you all in committee, putting in a brilliant effort with displays of confidence and self-belief.

Let’s make this edition of JBCN Senior MUN the most successful one ever!


Nitigya Podar,
Assistant Director of the UNODC

Committee Resources

Study Guide

Country Matrix