United States of America Presidential Cabinet

(Voting Committee)

Agenda: USA Presidential Cabinet

The committee will focus on the U.S. Presidential Cabinet and the Elections Commission, exploring their roles in shaping American politics. We’ll discuss how the Cabinet influences key decisions and how the Elections Commission ensures fair elections. Key topics include the differences between Republican and Democratic platforms, the impact of media on elections, and the role of swing states. We’ll also look into challenges like gerrymandering, campaign finance, and how voter demographics affect outcomes. Finally, we’ll consider the future of the two-party system and what changes might be needed for both parties to stay competitive in evolving political landscapes.


Ruhika Bhende


Greetings, esteemed delegates!

I am Ruhika Bhende, honored to serve as the Deputy Secretary General for JBCN Senior MUN 2024. In addition to overseeing the US Cabinet and heading your training, I am excited to introduce some unique and innovative elements that will enhance our conference experience this year.

We are implementing a new press conference format, which will provide a dynamic platform for you to present your positions and respond to real-time inquiries. This addition aims to simulate the high-stakes environment of global diplomacy and encourage transparent, responsive communication.

Our conference will also feature newly structured committees designed to foster creative problem-solving and encourage collaborative efforts. These innovative committees are crafted to challenge conventional approaches and inspire fresh, diverse solutions. This format emphasizes the collaborative nature of MUN, aiming to blend unique perspectives into comprehensive strategies.

Beyond my MUN roles, my engagement in Taekwondo, passion for TEDx talks, and dedication to community service reflect my commitment to discipline, innovative thinking, and meaningful dialogue. At home, my cat and my love for fashion bring balance and joy to my life. I eagerly anticipate working with you all and exploring new ideas together at this exciting conference.

Warm regards,
Ruhika Bhende

Fiona Nishar

Assistant Director

I’m Fiona Nishar and I am thrilled to be the Assistant Director of the Elections Commission USA, this year at JBCN Senior School MUN. JBCN is practically my second home and I’ve been Munning since the 6th grade. I have attended over 10 conferences throught these years and this is my second time on JBCN’s Executive Board! I am super excited to bring creativity and diplomacy to this edition of Senior School Mun. Model UN is not just about winning, but an experience I believe will change perspectives and help develop new skills.

You might just find me reading a book in committee or listening to some music, feel free to give me some recommendations. Beyond MUN, I love to dance, so if you find me busting some moves, you didn’t. I absolutely love football and binge watching on Netflix is my jam. You’re very likely to find me drawing random doodles or sketching on pieces of paper. A little tip, if you share my love of dogs and New York, you’re probably the best delegate for me!

Above all, delegates, this is an experience for you to learn from and make memories you’ll never forget. Make sure your voice gets heard in committee, and remember that confidence is vital to take the first steps into Mun-ing. So don’t worry about having the perfect paperwork, or the best speech and try to learn something new and have fun!

That’s it from me! Hope to see you all soon in September with lots of debate and diplomacy.

Warm Regards,

Fiona Nishar.

Committee Resources

Study Guide

Country Matrix